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FVASPD PROJECT OVERVIEW I Project Name FVASPD—— free Voice Assistant System for Persons with Disabilities II Project Type Open Source
Follow GPL IV What’s the project This is a free and open source project, which would provide Persons with
eyesight disabilities to use computer with voice assistant. With this
project, they can get huge information by computer and Internet like normal
person. So they would have more opportunity of education, employment and
advance their living quality.
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本网站所有源码和文档遵守 [GPL] 或 [LGPL] 协议 | 版权所有 2002 FVASPD 项目组 http://fvaspd.cosoft.org.cn | 项目负责人:Faint | 网页制作:晴天 Free Voice Assistant System for Persons with Disabilities |